Dough Ahead…Make My Day!
Our Spring Fundraiser is underway! Students will be bringing home the Cookies Catalog today. The Fundraiser runs to February 27th. Every student can earn awards from the Prize Sheet depending on the number of items sold.
Academic Competition Winners
Last week we hosted the ACEA Academic Competition. Students from schools across the association competed in academic, Bible, and art competitions. Results were also announced for the state academic online testing we completed in November. We are very proud of all of our students who competed!
Junior Homecoming Winners 2018-2019

Congratulations to our Junior Homecoming winners for 2018-2019!
Winners – Katie Brooke McCann and Levi Mulvehill (02)
1st Runners Up – Madison Motes and Christian Smith (01B)
2nd Runners Up – Isabella Lowe and Reid Kunkel (K4A)
Junior Homecoming Representatives
Congratulations to the following students for being nominated as representatives for their class for Junior Homecoming this year!
K3 – Cara Abner and Tyler Martin
K4a – Isabella Lowe and Reid Kunkel
K4b – Presli Whaley and Baylor Archer
K5a – Emme Creel and Jonah Hughes
K5b – Katie James and Kyler Hill
01a – Lily Reese Hopper and Ari Speakman
01b – Madison Motes and Christian Smith
02 – Katie Brooke McCann and Levi Mulvehill
03 – Amber Duncan and Kameron Betts
04 – Christina McPherson and Bryan Williamson
05 – Camryn Tucker and Tucker Andrews
06 – Emma Stewart and Noah Martin
Penny votes are currently being cast in class and will remain open through January 25th. The winner will be announced during the games on the evening of the 25th.
Congratulations and good luck to everyone!
Junior Homecoming 2018-2019
The TCS senior class will be sponsoring the Junior Homecoming Pageant on Friday, January 25th. Each class, K3-6th grade, will elect a boy and a girl to represent them on the Junior Homecoming Court. The overall winners of the homecoming pageant will be determined by “penny votes” brought in by each class. Each penny, or any other denomination, turned in casts one vote ($1 = 100 votes). The representatives of the class that brings in the most money will be crowned the Junior Miss and Mr. TCS 2019. First and second alternates will also be recognized. The winning class will receive a pizza party!
All representatives will be presented during the basketball activities on January 25th. Each participant should wear Sunday clothes, dresses for the girls and shirt and tie for the boys. The first and second alternates will also receive an award. The Junior Miss and Mr. TCS will receive a crown and a sash.
Here is the timeline for Junior Homecoming.
January 11 – Homecoming representatives will be determined by their classes.
January 14-25 – Students can cast their “penny votes” for their class representatives.
January 25 – Homecoming Pageant (specific times and details will be sent home with the representatives)
Parents, if you do not want you child to be eligible for the Junior Homecoming Court, please contact your child’s teacher.
Exam Schedule – Fall 2018
Monday, December 17th*
6th Period Exam 8:00-9:20
5th Period Exam 9:40-11:00
Tuesday, December 18th*
4th Period Exam 8:00-9:20
3rd Period Exam 9:40-11:00
Wednesday, December 19th**
2nd Period Exam 8:00-9:20
1st Period Exam 9:40-11:00
*Early dismissal for Elementary at 11:30 on Monday and Tuesday
**Early dismissal for Elementary immediately following Christmas Program and parties on Wednesday
ACEA Academic Testing 2018
Letters are being sent home with information for the ACEA State Academic Testing taking place November 28-30. These are online tests taken at school for students in grades 03-12 across various subjects. There is no limit to the number of tests each student can take.
Aug '18

Teacher Spotlight – Lou Phillips
Aug '18

Lou Phillips
Mr. Lou Phillips joined us this year as our 5th grade teacher. Mr. Phillips has taught for 16 years in Georgia and Alabama, coming to Tabernacle from Center Point Elementary. He is a member of Unity Baptist Church in Kimberly where he has attended for three years, serving as a Sunday school teacher, in the nursery, and as an usher.
Elementary Chapel for August
Because of a conflict with our Back to School Revival, the Elementary Chapels for August will be combined on August 21st. Parents of students in Grades 04-06, please be sure to make note of this change. Our calendar has been updated as well.