Students are encouraged to be a part of the Tabernacle Torches teams! We follow the principle that “whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as unto the LORD, and not unto men.” With this Biblical principle in mind, we aim to “give it all we’ve got” with the right attitude. Students who are not part of a sports team become part of something bigger, and that’s our Tabernacle fan club called “the ‘nacle noise.” They support the coaches and the teams and provide awesome excitement during competition contests.
Come join us this year for some great games! Our schedules are available on our Athletics Calendar.
Please feel free to contact our Athletic Director, Jeremy White with any questions about Tabernacle Athletics.
NASP Archery is offered for boys and girls in grades 07-12. Students compete in Regional and State Tournaments, with a chance to win college scholarships.
Baseball is offered for boys in grades 07-12.
Junior High basketball is offered for boys and girls in grades 07-12. Varsity basketball is offered for boys and girls in grades 09-12.
Junior High cheerleading is offered for girls in grades 07-09. Varsity cheerleading is offered for girls in grades 10-12. The squads cheer during the Football and Basketball seasons.
Junior High football is offered for boys in grades 07-09. Varsity Football is offered for boys in grades 09-12.
Softball is offered for girls in grades 07-12.
Junior High volleyball is offered for girls in grades 07-09. Varsity volleyball is offered for girls in grades 10-12.